Okay, I have to declare. No, I need to shout from the roof tops that “I have THE best inner circle of women that any woman could want or need!!” I have girlfriends who have helped me through my child raising years (and still want to be my friends). I have young whippersnapper faculty/staff members who keep me moving so I don’t become stale. I have new colleagues that I have known (through their teachings, books, and blogs) for many years, but have just recently met that continue to encourage me to strategically reach for my dreams. You name it, I have many in my inner circle cheering me on, empowering me to be my best.
There are days that I just want to sit back and coast, you know . . . rest on my laurels. I looked this phrase up in Google and loved the definition. Rest on one’s laurels definition is “be so satisfied with what one has already achieved that one makes no further effort”. My inner circle would never allow this. These women want to see me live my dreams and accomplish my goals and I am so very grateful for their fierce friendship and fervor. An inner circle can mean different things to people so I thought I would tell you what an inner circle looks like to me.
First-class Friendships – women and men who are honest with you and enjoy sharing your joys and accomplishments as well as working with you through the tough times.
Encouraging Positive Peers – every one of us needs help and by cultivating relationships with your peers or being of service to your peers not only enriches your work life, but it can teach you new skills that you can bring to your own desk. Win-Win!
Outstanding Magnificent Mentors – in order to up your game, you need Magnificent Mentors. Be specific in what you need from your mentor and accept requests to be a mentor as well. We all have something unique to offer. Sharing yourself, your skills with others is so rewarding.
Having a stellar inner circle is a necessity in today’s competitive environment. No one can operate in a vacuum and make their dreams come true. Everyone needs a top notch inner circle to keep them on their path or to convince them to take a new one.
One more really cool benefit of the power of an inner circle is that the circle increases in size as you grow. New people come into the circle as you seek out your dream. They help you add more to your Admin arsenal as do you add to theirs. Let me know how I can help you. It would be my honor to be a member of your inner circle.