Happy New School Year!
I work at an international boarding/day college prep school. I absolutely love working at a school. Each new school year allows you to raise the bar on yourself. This school year I am choosing to be a more positive influence on my coworkers and to actively choose to turn negative conversations into positive ones. We have some big changes happening this school year and I want to be a source of calm and positivity.
This summer I had the privilege of meeting an amazing Administrative Professional, Master speaker Bonnie Low-Kramen.
She spoke at the IAAP Summit in Austin, Texas. It was an awesome presentation with many take-aways that I could use immediately. But one thing she talked about touched my heart. Bonnie talked about women lifting each other up. Bonnie has been on a mission for a long time to end workplace bullying. There are many aspects of bullying, but one that I can have an immediate impact on is lifting other women up.
The workplace is a competitive place and can cause negativity within the ranks. I want to focus this year on positive energy at the office. Below are three things that I believe will bring positive energy to the workplace.
- Come to work each day with an optimistic outlook. Attitude is everything. So when you encounter a conversation that is going negative, turn it around and make it positive. Attack your day with a sunny disposition. It is more fun to take on the day with optimism. It goes by much faster.
- Choose one person to pour yourself into. Optimism is infectious. Find a peer to invest your time and energy in to meet their needs. OR, bestow your optimism into all the peers at your workplace by being a positive representative of your peers. Stand up for the admins in your company.
- Periodically, send a thank you note. We all carry a full load, so take on this task at a level that is comfortable, not taxing to you. Sending someone a thank you note is a simple way to spread positive energy. I few suggestions on who to thank: the janitorial and maintenance members, those who have lifted you up when you needed it and those doing a thankless job. Send your note via email, or for a bigger impact, send a handwritten note. Nothing fancy or expensive. It is the thought that has the positive impact.
Small gestures of goodwill can offer great rewards. Please join me in putting ourselves out there. A very beautiful and smart admin/author/international speaker/coach, Peggy Vasquez, wisely said to me “you have to be willing to take a risk in order to get what you want”. I want a workplace that is humming, with women lifting up each other and enjoying a positive and calm environment. I wish this for you as well.
To a wonderful new school year!