Yesterday (Sunday) I woke up feeling kind of “meh”. I mention the day of the week because I don’t know about you, but the days are starting to meld together. Anyways, I didn’t have a fever or feel sick so I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I did my usual routine which includes playing the daily game of solitaire on my iPad (nailed it by the way) and sat in my chair watching the sun rise. After an hour or two of just starring, I decided to go back upstairs and lay on my bed for a while. I ended up falling asleep. It was a quick nap, I felt better but knew it was not going to be a productive day.
I have had a couple of these days in the past 5 weeks since I have been house bound with our current quarantine due to the COVID 19 virus and I was wondering if any of you have had a day (or days) where you have felt like this too? I believe this is “normal” and know that when I am not feeling “off”, I will be right back into the rhythm of things. So even though I was not feeling myself, I continued with my routine of laying out my week. Here is a link to my article published in Executive Secretary Magazine that outlines my Sunday routine should you need some inspiration.
You may have a bump in your road. Or, if you are like me, you might have a few bumps in your road. DO NOT beat yourself up for them. DO NOT look at other social media posts and compare yourself to someone who ran a marathon before making a four course breakfast for their family and delivered it to all the neighbours in a three block radius of their home. (Speaking honestly, I never have and have no intentions of being THAT productive . . . just saying.) Now, is a perfect time to really get to know yourself. To figure out how much you can take before you need to take a break. Your body will tell you. I know that mine does and I finally have had time to stop and listen to it. It is like the instructions you receive on an airplane – take care of your oxygen mask before you help others with theirs. We have heard this SO MANY TIMES in so many ways!!! But it is so true. You cannot be performing optimally for others if you are not in optimal condition yourself. Take the time. Figure out what you need and get it!!! No guilt. PLEASE . . . no guilt.
Reach out if you need to. Sit in silence if you need to. Listen to your body and fill yourself up. You’ve got this!
Stay healthy, safe and strong!!!