Are you a robber or a receiver?

How do you accept help?  Last month we had our annual holiday department luncheon.  I had organized the entire event because I want it to be somewhat of a surprise to my department.  The food, the decorations, even the holiday movie trivia game this year was a surprise to everyone.  It gives me such joy to see everyone arrive in the meeting room and smell the smells of whatever meal I have ordered for them and take in the sights and sounds of the winter wonderland that I have created for them.  During the luncheon I will walk around making sure that everyone has what they need.  A refill of a side dish or a slice of dessert, whatever it takes to make my department feel that they are thought of and well taken care of. 

After the party was over, I was asked if I needed help.  Of course my reply was “no”.  I wanted the experience to continue for the rest of the afternoon and to me helping clean up would break the “caring” feeling that I was trying so hard to evoke.  Several people asked a couple of times if they could help me with the clean up and I continued to answer with “no thank you”.

Later in the afternoon I began to think about how I would feel if I really wanted to help someone who had just given of themselves and I was not allowed to.  It made me think about another time when I had said no thanks to help from a friend I had years ago.  This very good and wise friend had said to me that by not allowing anyone to help me, I was not letting (I believe the word she used was “robbing”) others to feel the same joy.  Ouch!!!

In my many years of Admining, I have experienced that a good portion of Administrative Professionals are hardcore people pleasers!!!  I am a people pleaser who always wants to do for others.  But if it would “please” others to help me, am I truly a people “pleaser”?

Thank you Beth, (my good and wise friend from years ago) and Kristin (my good and wise friend and co-worker from this holiday department luncheon), for reminding me to allow others to help me.  I do not ever want to be accused again of robbing others of joy. 

How do you take help?  Are you a robber or a receiver? Please let us know in the comments below.
